Hello everyone, it’s been a long time since I last made a post on the blog, to be honest I haven’t painted for a while as I’ve been very busy with work and University work too. I managed to get a Lord-Celestant painted up last week though in time for the Warlords Matched Play event at Warhammer World this past weekend to make my army exactly 2000 points. Click to view more after the jump!
I thoroughly enjoyed the event and the hobby inspiration bug really got to me after seeing all of the different armies at the event, I’ve got a couple of ideas floating around in my head and I’ve also picked a unit for a new army to test out a scheme with, so watch out for that coming soon!
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Great paint job Amy. I watched some of the games on the Warhammer TV live stream and Duncan mentioned he'd interviewed you. Thought that was cool you got a name check. I must have missed the interview though.
How did this model perform in the games? I want to start gaming again and I want to play AoS. I think I'm going to do a Stormcast army.
The interview is in the last hour of one of their latest streams on Twitch and YouTube, it was great to be interviewed by him!
The Lord-Celestant is pretty good in the game, he has an ability which deals out mortal wounds which is always a great ability in the game, he's also pretty decent in combat too.
He looks fantastic, the battle damage really sets your Stormcasts apart on the table. I saw the pics from the Warlords event on the AoS FB page, and your army really stood out in a good way 🙂
Thank you very much 🙂
Always good to see more of your Stormcasts! Looks as though this Celestant has been through a particularly tough battle. The fine scratches on the gold and the battle damage to the hammer are really effective.