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Hey everyone, Lecoqadoodledoo here with my take on Gor Half-horn, the Beast of Necromunda. It was a really enjoyable miniature to work on, and arguably still my favourite sculpt from the Necromunda range so far.

Ever since this bounty hunter was revealed, I knew I’d have to paint it. I kept a lot of elements the same as the Forgeworld studio model like the hazard striped Chainsword, pale plasma pistol, green toned armour and grey fabric. I decided on a much more Cadian palette and markings for the armour, to get across the fact he may have once been a part of the Militarum Auxilia. Keeping it darker also allowed the focal points of the face and hands/weapons to stand out a bit more.

I tried to do a good amount of weathering on most of his gear, as it feels appropriate for the gritty, brutal aesthetic of Necromunda. Finding the right level of weathering/battle damage has always been something I’ve struggled with, as I generally paint with a clean style, but I feel as if I got it right with Gor.

Hope you all like him, and maybe one day once I have a gang painted up, he’ll tag along and get to play in a game!