Hey everyone, Lecoqadoodledoo here with my take on Gor Half-horn, the Beast of Necromunda. It was a really enjoyable miniature to work on, and arguably still my favourite sculpt from the Necromunda range so far.
Ever since this bounty hunter was revealed, I knew I’d have to paint it. I kept a lot of elements the same as the Forgeworld studio model like the hazard striped Chainsword, pale plasma pistol, green toned armour and grey fabric. I decided on a much more Cadian palette and markings for the armour, to get across the fact he may have once been a part of the Militarum Auxilia. Keeping it darker also allowed the focal points of the face and hands/weapons to stand out a bit more.
I tried to do a good amount of weathering on most of his gear, as it feels appropriate for the gritty, brutal aesthetic of Necromunda. Finding the right level of weathering/battle damage has always been something I’ve struggled with, as I generally paint with a clean style, but I feel as if I got it right with Gor.
Hope you all like him, and maybe one day once I have a gang painted up, he’ll tag along and get to play in a game!
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I love this, as Stahly wrote, better than the "official" EM paintjob (imho).
I now need to get this model, he'd go so nicely with the Blackstone Fortress beastmen. I think I'd have to swap out the plasma pistol though, it looks like a bottle of pop to me… ?
Loving those hazard stripes!
Yeah!!!!! Love this! such a treat seeing the model in person!I second Stahly's question above. hahahaha
Much better than the "official" paint job. Are you applying for 'Eavy Metal? 🙂
When the time is right I guess. ?
Love it, that is indeed great work on blade and lenses and face especially. Awesome. As an aside, do you ever regret giving yourself a really long username? lol
Nope, because it still makes me laugh everytime I type it out.
It looks great! I really like how you did the horns, might I ask the steps you took with them?
Zandri Dust basecoat, then glazes of Gorthor Brown through to Rhinox hide to set the light to dark section. The highlights were just working through mixes of Zandri Dust, Ushabti Bone, Screaming Skull and White Scar.
There wasn't a straightforward recipe for them unfortunately, as I recall them proving quite a challenge. Sometimes I just keep glazing and highlighting until things look right.
Hope that helps!
It does, thanks so much!