Hey guy’s Happy New Year and hope you all had a fantastic Christmas, and what a year it’s been in painting for me. It literally did not stop.
I have chosen below some of my faviourite models that I showed on Tale of Painters as part of our yearly recap. It really is crazy how fast this year went and I wonder what surprises Games Workshop and Forge World have for 2017. I really hope for some new Death Guard models in plastic!!!
Blood Angels Scouts in camo
Great Unclean One
Raven Guard Dark Fury Assault Squad
Deathguard Squad
Alpha Legion Contemptor Dreadnought
Nurgle Imperial Knight’s
Mega Boss on Maw-Krusha
Alpha Legion Sicaran Battle Tank
Tau Riptide
Space Wolves Terminators
Ironjawz Megaboss
Khorne Chaos Lord with Jump Pack
Genestealer Cult Goliath Rockgrinder
My resolution for the new year is to try and play more games! What are your gaming/painting resolutions for 2017?
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These are all all really nice. The best thing you do is be original and not copy how things are supposed to be. It's a hard task. I know as I always strive myself to fulfill this. Jeb
Being oringinal is the hardest thing you can do. It's tough trying to come up with things outside of GW paintjobs. But fun :)Cheers mate!!
TEN, you really have out done yourself this year. Some really beautiful work to be proud off. I look forward to see what you do in 2017. Dan
Cheers Dan 🙂
Love your gritty style. Soon I'll be able try my hand with the airbrush, Father Time willing.
Hey Allistair, its a lot of fun!