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Hi everyone! Have a look at my Taurox Primes, including a basic painting guide after the jump.

Here are the steps for the hull. Everything apart from the chipping and rust was airbrushed.

1. Grey Primer

2. Blue (Vallejo Air Color), then pre-shading with White

3. French Blue (Vallejo Air Color) – two very thin layers

4. For the shadows: Signal Blue (Vallejo Air Color)

5. Highlights: mix of Light Blue + White (Vallejo Air), very thin layers

6. Chipping effects: Dark Brown and Black (Vallejo Model Color)

7. Rust: AK Light Rust

8. Lights were airbrushed as well: first White, than Scarlet Red (Vallejo Air) for the rear lights, and  Light Blue for the front lights

I hope you enjoyed this short tutorial. If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment, contact me via e-mail or follow me on Facebook, Flickr and Instagram.

