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Hi all! Today I would like to present you my Legio Custodes Command Group. The latest addition, the model in the middle, is my rendition of Captain Konstantin Valdor.
I wanted him to have a more impressive weapon, and added an additional armour plate at the front, like seen in some artworks depicting him.
What do think? You know that to do, leave a comment below…
Banzai1000 is a hobbyist from Germany with over 15 years of experience, and a regular contributor to White Dwarf Magazine. He is known for his masterful conversions and loves to come up with spectacular Armies on Parade entries every year. So far he scored five Armies on Parade gold medals, as well as three Golden Demon finalist pins.
Looking Awesome mate. always good to see your minis! congrats on getting into this month's White Dwarf too!!!!
Thx mate! Hope to see some of your work soon ?
It will come. Just haven't had time to write up the post yet haha
Looks fantastic! Interesting addition to Valdor's spear, love it. I might try stealing your idea 😛
Thx, do it ??
these are nice! How did you attach the lord relictor halo? and how did you paint the gold?
Thx, the halo is from an Retributor and fits best on the backside of the eagle. For the gold i started with Retributor Armour washed with Reikland Fleshshade. Then i drybrushed with Retributor Armour, Liberator Gold and Ironbreaker. After that i applied a very thin layer of Casandora Yellow. To round it up i used some Druchii Violet for the deepest shade areas??
Are you using the gloss or regular reikland?
What is the purpose of the cassandora layer? Is it just to blend in the silver-ish highlights?
I use the regular Reikland, i don't like the glossy one. I don't use too much Ironbreaker, only a little bit for highlights. The yellow brings back a richer gold effect after drybrushing. I use it thinned with water.