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The first of the new Chaos models that I have got my hands on. The Maulerfiend. He was a pain to put together but pretty quick and easy to paint. Next I have both the Forgefiend and the Heldrake to complete. Let me know what you think!!
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Well done on making on to the GW blog today dude.
Hey thanks all. The feedback is awesome 🙂
Fantastic work. The corroded metal effect is well done and the blood spatter is done very well. I will be tagging this for inspiration when I start on my own.
i think they are sharp edges from the armorplates of the chains
Nice but the mold lines on the chains are really distracting.
Great work! I love the flesh and would be interested in what colors were use for it.
very well done, i like 😉
You paint job makes a pretty bland model look really nice. Still not a fan of the new monsters but at least a good painter can still make them look interesting. Well done!
You have an awesome painting style. All the beat up metal and blood is great.
very nice, I like the pitted/corroded effect on the brass.
Great job, as Neil C mentioned, the blood is particularly striking.
Wow, gritty and menacing, nice!
Just as Neil C already said, you definitely need to share with us how you achieve those fantasticly sharp and realistic metals and rocks!
What stands out for me here is the blood effect. It's truly excellent and very realistic.
I don't suppose you'd care the share the technique? 🙂
I really enjoy the hazard stripes!
Very nice!