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Hey guys, I’ve just finished painting an Imperial Guardsman of my own custom regiment. I wanted a more gothic look than stock Cadians, so I went for custom bits: Medieval Helmets and Short Coat Legs from Anvil Industry’s Trench Fighter ranger that we reviewed here.
I want my regiment to compliment my small Blood Angels collection, so I sticked to black, bone white and red. Nevertheless, it wasn’t that easy to find a paint scheme I was happy with. I experimented with bone and red lasguns, and several approaches for painting the grey coats, until I settled on the paint scheme seen above. I imagine my regiment to hail from the Baal system, but I haven’t come up with a name yet. Maybe you could help me out? What do you think?
Stahly hails from Craftworld Germany and has been involved with Warhammer since childhood. He has painted several armies and countless warbands and Kill Teams over the decades, and founded Tale of Painters in 2011. When he's not painting miniatures incredibly slowly, he's testing the latest paints, tools and kits with German precision and a no non-sense attitude.
That is a great color combination. What grey paint did you use for the fatigues? I have been on a quest to find the perfect shade of grey for guardsmen
also, name suggestion: Black Usurpers
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Baal Dragoner after Bayreuth Dragoner (Bayreuth Dragoons) regiment?
Those look great!
What about using a term like jaeger? Baal jaegars or something?
Blood Templars, Lions of Baal, Snow Leopards of Baal Secondus (if that exists?) looks great, love the white helm and red goggles.
No idea for names here, but that paint scheme is pretty impressive, I can't wait to see the full squad!
Looks awesome.The trench legs really mesh well with the cadian flak armor.
The humans living on Baal were called the tribe of "The Blood". Ofcourse you already have "Blood" in the name "Blood Angels" so I don't know if you want to reuse the word or rahter not. But otherwise call them "The Blood Regiment" or "Regiment of the Blood". You could also use another word for "Blood" like "Sanguis" and call them "Sanguinary Guard", oh no wait … 😛