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Hey all, today I thought I’d show a Ork Gorkanaut that I worked on.
The model is a few years old now and still stands out as one of my more favourite models by GW, as it has so much character. Its also a really fun model to paint. On this one I mainly used pigments and sponging to get the effect that I wanted. The model was initially based coated black. Once the model was covered using earth and rust pigment I airbrushed water to create a dirty effect. Once this had dried I sponged various tones of reds to create a weathered look. What do you think?
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ThirdEyeNuke is no longer an active contributor to Tale of Painters. However, you can still browse his archived posts by clicking on this banner.
I've had the pleasure of fighting against that actual amazing model on the battlefield. Now in 8th it shouldn't be as afraid of a rogue lascannon shot! ��
Holy shiet this is amazing work! best I've seen! deserve alotta beers
It looks amazing!!
Your red lookin amzing! what colours did you use?
Was it 100% painted with sponges?
Quite a lot of it, but I did use a brush/airbrush as well.