Heyhey, here are the all finished Harlequins!
Very interesting project.
From finally getting my hands on the new plastic Harlequins to …well, painting Harlequins at all. And the way they’re supposed to be painted as well.
Sure, I did curse quite a bit at them here and there, but they turned out really well I think. And they sure turned some heads at Austrian Salute where I had them on display.
I’d love to paint some more Harlequins soon (in fact I got some more scheduled already), but I’ll be good with not painting diamond patterns for a while now. 😀
Hope you like the chaps and chapettes!
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Beautiful! Colour variation is top notch. I always think it's a wasted opportunity when a 'Quin troupe is painted too uniformly. Thinking Fluffy it would make sense for the players to have wildly varying costumes to reflect their individual roles. Plus it really makes them stand out against the Marines, Tau etc.This bunch look great together!
Those diamonds bring it altogether! Amazing job! I sent battlebrush an email about two weeks ago asking how much for these guys. I believe you said these were commissioned. Thanks
Been waiting for this. Love the vibrant colour scheme. It's fantastic!!