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Hey everyone, I’ve finished painting my Dwarf Deathroller for my Blood Bowl Dwarf team!
I showed you my Dwarf team the other day, you can see those here. I had to paint the Deathroller for the team, it’s an amazing model and is also very good in the game too!
I went for a grimy, dirty look to the Deathroller, I imagine it being a commonly used secret weapon of the Dwarves and therefore is stained with mud, dirt, grime and the blood of enemy team members! This made it very fun to paint!
I’m aiming to pick up the Warhammer Fest exclusive Blood Bowl Dwarf star player, Grim Ironjaw so watch out for that new addition to my Dwarf team in the future!
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Amy is no longer an active contributor to Tale of Painters. However, you can still browse her archived posts by clicking on this banner.
Much better than the forgeworld paint job. I'm not a fan of their use of static grass all over theirs
I think all their recent models have been contracted to that itallian chap. He's kind of a terrible painter. I feel like he picks out on part on a model, spends days on it, then paints the rest with a rag on a stick.
looks great. What blue are you using?
really nice paint job
The only thing I am not keen on is the base size that GW have chosen it looks like they have crammed a great model onto a small base
I think thats the best model you have painted, still mega wash pooling on the gold tho.
Your scratches look real now that you have made them thinner.