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Hey what’s up guys, today I was wondering if you would indulge me for a second while I bring you news about a new member of the Get-a-Grip family; Garfy’s Get-a-Little-Grip. More after the jump. 

Batch painting Intercessors with 32mm bases

So, I’ve been listening to feedback about my original Get-a-Grip and whilst it’s great for painting single miniatures with it’s variable base size shims and cork in its base for smaller pinned parts it’s not very economical for batch painting. 

25mm base

That’s where the Get-a-Little-Grip comes in. It’s smaller size allows me to print more, meaning I can sell them for less. Removing the cork from the base also helps keeps costs down (the standard Get-a-Grip is still available with cork if you need that resource).

40mm base

The Get-a-Little-Grip still fits base sizes up to 50mm and still holds them securely with no chance of them coming loose. 

Batch painting 50mm based models, no problem! 

Smaller, flatter design means I can post these out as Large Letter, instead of Small Parcel, making the postage cheaper as well!

++EDIT++ This product has been retired and replaced with my Get a Grip Basic and Get a Grip Pro

Here’s a video of how the Get-a-Grip system works.

Garfy's Get a Grip - now available on ebay