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Firstly, being November the 1st, it’s my birthday today! What better way to celebrate than with a showcase post for you lovely people featuring my latest completed models. After the jump you can see more angles of these Deathguard as well as group photos of all the models from the first six issues of Conquest. 

It’s no secret that I’m loving Warhammer 40,000 Conquest. I haven’t been this productive painting models for years. So far, so good. I’m keeping up with the releases and finishing the models i have before the next set of four issues arrive (subscribers get a monthly delivery of four issues). Have a photo tutorial you can view here for the full run down on how to paint these. 

As I mentioned it’s my Birthday today. I’m 37 years old and still painting models! I don’t think 12 year old Garfy would have believed it back in 1993 when he started. Here’s to the next 25 years in the hobby.

The backs aren’t terribly exciting I’m afraid. Maybe someone out there likes the back images? Maybe it’s helpful to see the backs if you’re following my tutorials and you can see all the details.

All the Deathguard models so far. 

All the Dark Angels and Deathguard from issues 1 to 6.

Come back real soon when I share my progress with the Primaris Lieutenant and don’t forget, Garfy’s Get a Grips available to order with same day dispatch here or here for non UK buyers.  

Garfy's Get a Grip - now available on ebay