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Issue 21 of Conquest included another three Reivers. I swapped some of the arms around with the multipart Reivers to make these models look a little different but essentially at their core they’re still the same models from Conquest. After the jump you can see close ups and different angles of these terror troops. 

I spent around a week painting these. Only an hour or so an evening. I definitely think I’m getting faster painting the Dark Angels and the Death Guard as I settle into the paint schemes. 

These are the last models I had to paint for this month’s sub. Issue 22 is paint. Next month I will be getting some scatter terrain and a Redemptor Dreadnought. That doesn’t seem like much to occupy me for a month so I think I’m going to dip into my Dark Imperium Boxset and start sorting out some of the squad sizes. My next post will be a recap of this month’s Conquest don’t miss it!

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