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It’s one of those rare special moments on the blog today, I’ve finished painting a boxed game! That’s right, the Warcry set Game Workshop sent to me early is finished, photographed and ready for your viewing pleasure. 

This set is a painters dream. Small units means fast turnaround. You never feel like you’re bogged down painting an army, you know the next unit of the set you paint will be completely different. It keeps the experience fresh and interesting from start to finish.

Contrast paints were used a lot with this project (see the tutorials) but not to the paint where I rushed and just used Contrast exclusively.  I still put the effort in with blends and edge highlighting. These models don’t look out of place against my older models where I haven’t used contrast. Infact I think they look better. 

This set really captured my imagination. I had so much fun painting the models and photographing them in battle scenes. I’m not much of a gamer but like Warhammer Underworlds, Warcry has pulled me in and I’ve actually played a few Campaign games. My Iron Golems have successfully completed their first convergence and recently dominated their first territory. I can know bring 1050pts to the table! I used that extra allowance to field a Fury as a thrall. That extra speed was very much needed. 

Now I want to pick up Monsters and Mercenaries and see what else I can bring to the Varanspire!

Garfy's Get a Grip - now available on ebay