Hi all, Rich back again and this time with something a bit different, I’m back to my 2nd edition routes here with an iconic Ork Stormboy. This time however I thought I’d give you into an insight into how I paint my 2nd edition minis with a step by step tutorial. I won’t go into detail for each step because I am using basic techniques, washes, layers and edge highlights. Also, don’t worry too much if you don’t have these exact colours, similar colours from your favourite brand will work just fine. Just remember to keep your paints thin and your brush pointy!
Firstly I assembled the model with superglue, added fine sand to the base with PVA and base coated the whole model with a white spray. Paint the sword, jump pack and details red, use a deep red wash in the recesses and highlight with orange.
The silver is just a bright silver with a gloss black wash. To paint black details and the dark grey uniform I first wash with black ink, it helps define the area and makes covering it with paint easier (try it if you haven’t!) Highlight the black details with a deep blue/grey.
Use a deep grey for the uniform and highlight with a mid grey, then a light grey and a final highlight of light grey and white (50:50).
The skin is just basic layering of progressively lighter greens. The dark red is for the eyes but its hard to see them here! The base is painted with warboss green (goblin green if you have it!) highlighted with light green then light highlights of yellows (below).
The tongue is purple highlighted with a 50:50 mix of purple and pink. The lightning bolts are just a darker yellow highlighted with a lighter one. And there you have it! One fully painted 2nd edition Stormboy. I hope you enjoyed this basic tutorial, let me know if you have a go at your own 2nd edition Stormboyz, or any Orks inspired by these colours for that matter!
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Any chance of seeing the back of the ork, for the jump pack?
When I complete the squad I'll be sure to do another article and will do then 🙂