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Hey guys. Today I thought I’d show the second Imperial Knight Renegade that I painted from the “Imperial Knight: Renegade” set.
I painted him in a similar scheme as the first Knight that I worked on but equipped him out differently. I also used Forge World Chaos Renegade icons which I thought added a nice touch instead of using the regular transfers that you get in the kit. What do you think?
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Looks terrific!
Did you use the brass bits from FW for this or does the knight from the Renegade set actually come with some cool chaos bits?
Hey Joel, the parts I used I purchased seperately from Forge World.
The actual Renegade box set come with a few chaos transfers but nothing to shout about. It would have been nice if a small extra sprue was included to make the knights more Chaos like.
Hey TEN, could you by any chance do a tutorial for this as I really love your work and what you have done with this. As always outstanding stuff.
Hey cheers guys. I really did enjoy working on the two Renegade Knights.
Ah yes, very heretical. Lovely weathered look.
Looks fantastic as usual with your models, I'm a huge fan of your style and find it very inspirational!