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The Death Guard Chaos Space Marines from Issue 2 of the Conquest publication are finished! I think I’m falling in love with Papa Nurgle because these were so much fun to paint! More pics after the jump.

The colour scheme I devised for my Plaque Marines is all about speed. Like all good plaque zombies, I know I’m probably biting off more than I can chew with the Conquest Magazine subscription so I had to engineer a colour scheme that looked good and didn’t take long to paint. This scheme actually utilises washes and drybrushing to speed things up. I feel like I can ‘get away with it’ because these models are dirty and scruffy by their very nature.

The Deathguard force I’m painting has to work with and look coherent with my Black Legion army. The brassy metal, daemon skin, bone are all painted the same way as my Black Legion models. Instead of painting bulbous pustules, I’ve chosen to paint eyes. These eyes are painted the same way as the Eye of Horus. I think it’s a neat touch.

With issues 1 and 2 complete, I can sit back and admire my handiwork and it’s only now I realise I’m going to be painting a hell of a lot of green over the next 80 weeks.

I’m looking forward to painting the Reivers next when they arrive.

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