Today I present you my version of Brother Vanial from the Space Marine Heroes blind box Series 1, painted in the livery of the Black Templars. Check out this post for the alternate head, some more angles, and a complete list of the paint recipes I used for painting this model.

Painting this model was a lot of fun, I finished him in late December after I painted my Howling Banshees and Awakened Wyldwood. Both of these sets were were time-consuming, so painting just a small little character model was a much-needed change of pace.
I also painted five more models from the Space Marine Heroes range, each in a different chapter, as they were depicted in the Space Marine Adventures boxed game. I decided to continue the tradition, and I asked our patrons and Instagram followers which chapter this model should be, and so Brother Vanial became a Black Templar. I also painted the alternate head for the model, which is a regular Mk7 helmet:

And here comes the complete list of paints I used. Also check out my detailed step by step tutorial for this model, completely free as usual 🙂
Paint recipes
Primer: AK Interactive Fine Primer Black Spray
Petrol Rubble: Stegado Scale Green basecoat, wash with 1:1 TAP Dark Tone Wash / Lahmian Medium, drybrush with Thunderhawk Blue, drybrush with Screaming Skull
Asphalt: Mechanicus Standard Grey, drybrush VGC Stonewall Grey, wash with 1:1 TAP Dark Tone Wash / Strong Tone Wash
Base trim: TAP Matt Black
Dark metal
Basecoat: VMeC Dark Steel
Wash: TAP Dark Tone Ink
Drybrush: VMeC Light Steel
Black armour
Basecoat : TAP Matt Black
Highlight: VMC Dark Grey
Highlight: Dawnstone
Ivory details
Basecoat: RMS Polished Bone
Wash: Agrax Earthshade (on shoulder guards only a selective wash in the recesses)
Highlight: Pallid Wych Flesh
Highlight: VMC White
Yellow boltgun
Basecoat: Wraithbone
Wash: Iyanden Yellow
Layer: Yriel Yellow
Highlight: TAP Daemonic Yellow
Highlight: Dorn Yellow
Red grenades
Basecoat: Mephiston Red
Selective Wash: Cygor Brown
Highlight: Evil Sunz Scarlet
Highlight: Jokaero Orange
Red eye lenses
Basecoat: Mephiston Red
Wash: TAP Dark Tone Wash
Highlight: Evil Sunz Scarlet
Highlight: TAP Lava Orange

Basecoat: VMeC Steel
Selective Wash: Basilicanum Grey
Highlight: VMeC Light Steel
Brown leather and hair
Basecoat: P3 Umbral Umber
Wash: TAP Dark Tone Wash
Highlight: Scorched Brown (OOP)
Highlight: P3 Bootstrap Leather
Gold details
Basecoat: Retributor Armour
Wash: Reikland Fleshshade / Reikland Fleshshade Gloss 1:1
Highlight: VMeC Light Steel
Purity seal
Basecoat: Khemri Brown (OOP)
Layer: P3 Menoth White Base
Layer: Screaming Skull
Layer: Wraithbone
Highlight: VMC White
Script: thinned TAP Matt Black
Caucasian skin
Basecoat: Tallarn Flesh (OOP)
Wash: Reikland Fleshshade
Layer: Tallarn Flesh (OOP)
Layer: Tallarn Flesh (OOP) / Kislev Flesh 1:1
Layer: Kislev Flesh
Highlight: Flayed One Flesh
Abbreviations: OOP = old Citadel paint range (out of production), VGC = Vallejo Game Color, VMC = Vallejo Model Color, VMechaC = Vallejo Mecha Color, P3 = Privateer Press Formula P3, TAP = The Army Painter Warpaints, RMS = Reaper Master Series, GSW = Greenstuff World, S75 = Scale 75 Scale Color
Hope you enjoyed this showcase, and if so, leave a reaction or a comment below. Stay tuned for the upcoming tutorial, and, until then, leave a comment if you got a question regarding my paint recipes, I’m happy to help 🙂
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