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Today we celebrate four months of #taleoftuesdays with a showcase round-up of all the nine warbands painted by the Tale of Painters crew. Feast your eyes – after the jump.

We start with Garfy‘s warbands, who painted not only two, but three warbands:

Grashrak’s Despoilers
Thorns of the Briar Queen
Spiteclaw’s Swarm

SpaceShrimp contributed these two warbands:

Godsworn Hunt
Grashrak’s Despoiler

Arcane’s offerings can be enjoyed here:

Thundrik’s Profiteers
Ironskull’s Boyz

Last but not least, Stahly painted these two contenders:

Ylthari’s Guardians
Ironsoul’s Condemnors

Follow this linkand check out all the separate posts for additional warband pictures and WIP posts. And don’t forget to take a look at all the fantastic warbands painted by our community during the #taleoftuesdays project.

We hope you enjoyed the ride, please leave a comment or reaction if you do. And stay tuned, this probably won’t be the last #taleoftuesdays you’ll see on Tale of Painters. Make sure to bookmark us so you won’t miss out on any of our work.