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Hi folks, come and check out my latest editions to my Untamed Beasts Warcry warband – Preytakers.

If you have seen my previous post about the Plains Runners I posted, you will know I decided to make a switch and start painting models in this warband by doing the base first and then the model. My reasoning being is that these feral folk are adept at hunting, stalking etc so they really need to fit their environment. Such a little change has made such a big difference to the way I paint. It has really helped me focus and be more considerate of the overall aesthetic. All that simply down to establishing the context of the miniature visually first, and not just in my head. Will I continue to paint this way? Maybe not for armies as it doesn’t seem time-efficient (for me personally) but for small groups like WarCry and Shadespire…probably.

Sadly, just like my Plains Runners, these guys never make it on the battlefield. So I rushed these ones a little bit. Actually, I think I may have fielded some Plains Runners (mainly to fill points) a couple of times…but these guys,? Nope just don’t ever seem to ever make it into battle. Clearly Archaon isn’t crying enough to make these guys answer his call.

Tim: Can you hear something Dave? Dave: Nope…

Thanks for reading, stay safe and I will catch you next time.