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Next up for my Escher gang is the heavy with stubber and another ganger. For this batch I tried a grey primer, it’s Uniform Grey Colour Primer from The Army Painter. I thought the lighter basecoat would help me out for the bright colours I use. It still takes like bloody 15 coats to get a smooth yellow though… I also paint only two models at a time, because the heavy has a lots of details. So far I did the skin, and the yellow and purple bits. I’m quite happy how the skin turned out, the blendings are a lot smoother than on the last batch. What do you think so far?
Stahly hails from Craftworld Germany and has been involved with Warhammer since childhood. He has painted several armies and countless warbands and Kill Teams over the decades, and founded Tale of Painters in 2011. When he's not painting miniatures incredibly slowly, he's testing the latest paints, tools and kits with German precision and a no non-sense attitude.
Hi Stahly. These look great. Can you please tell me the paints and steps you used for the purple bits or lead me to the proper place in case you already mentioned this elsewhere? Thanks in advance.
Sure, basecoat is Screamer Pink, then I washed VGC Black Ink into the recesses (thinned Abaddon Black would work as well) and highlighted with Pink Horror and VGC Squid Pink.
Lovely work. I could kick myself for getting rid of my Escher girls. I had nearly 30… they would have made great chaos cultists.
Looking good. Don't know if you've tried Vallejo's Grey Surface Primer, but it's a little lighter of a grey and might be easier for yellows and other light colors to cover.
You could prime white and wash the yellow on in progressively darker shades, but then other colours don't coat well over white and touch ups are next to impossible. I think you're screwed no matter how you cut it with yellow. Looks great though.
I like the yellow and purple. They work well together.
And yes…Yellow will always be a bast£#¤/ to do!