Space Shrimp
SpaceShrimp is a miniature wargaming (goblin) fantatic from the land of the eternal cloud, London. Born with paint brush and dice in hand, a life of creativity and competitiveness was sure to follow. Over the years she has collected mostly anything that in her words "looks cool", which as it turns out was most of the GamesWorkshop catalogue. When not at a paint station or hoarding glory points in Shadespire, Cat can be found going 4mph around some of the various UK mountain bike tracks, making and playing computer games, or at the pub with her baby-dog Peanut.
Showcase: Untamed Beasts Preytakers
Hi folks, come and check out my latest editions to my Untamed Beasts Warcry warband – Preytakers. If you have seen my previous post about the Plains Runners I posted, you will know I decided to make a switch and start painting models in this...
Showcase: Untamed Beasts Plains-Runners
So if you have been following Garfy on twitter, you will know that he and I have been playing quite a lot of Warcry recently. So I would like to share with you all the first miniatures of my Untamed Beasts warband! I have mentioned...
Tale of Tuesdays: SpaceShrimp Month 4 – Grashrak’s Despoilers
Hi everyone, come gather round the herd-stone and take a look at my finished Despoiler warband. I was already in a good position last post with this warband, I really just had to tidy up flesh tones, do the final highlights and finish the basing...
Tale of Tuesdays: SpaceShrimp Month 3 – Grashrak’s Despoilers
Hi all, welcome back to Tale of Tuesdays where I have a brand new war band to share with you. Getting hobby done over the festive period seems to go one of two ways for me. Either I am leisurely painting miniatures midday (midweek!) without...
Tale of Tuesdays: SpaceShrimp month 2 – Godsworn Hunt
Hey everyone, Spaceshrimp here with my second Underworlds war band post for Tale of Tuesdays. And a stray dog has joined! Grawl is an interesting animal sculpt. Off the face of it, it just looks like a dog. But on closer inspection, especially when scrutinising...
Tale of Tuesdays: SpaceShrimp month 1 – Godsworn Hunt
Hey everyone, Spaceshrimp here with my first Underworlds war band post for Tale of Tuesdays. Journey with me into the depths of the mirrored city… My Achilles heel of painting used to be flesh. Specifically, I could never make skin look “soft” and my colour...
Tale of Tuesdays: SpaceShrimp Month 4 – Champions of Death
Hi everyone! Time to tally up my #Taleoftuesdays turn out. What a fun project! This has really been a metaphorical “let your hair down” type project to me. The thing that draws me to the various Games Workshop universes is their unique grimdark IP. I...
Tale of Tuesdays: SpaceShrimp Month 3 – Champions of Death
What’s up folks, SpaceShrimp here with my Tale of Tuesday update. So far I haven’t really painted any of the skeleton/bone type players in my team (apart from the tiny skeleton in the ball) so I really wanted to see how my colour scheme would...
Tale of Tuesdays: SpaceShrimp Month 2 – Champions of Death
Hi all, welcome back to Tale of Tuesdays where I share my Bood bowl progress! So the latest additions are the mummy and the ball. Both of which took no time to paint, mainly due to contrast speeding up the process loads in certain areas...
Showcase: WarCry Iron Golem Legionnaire
Hey everyone. I went to the recent Age of Sigmar open day up at Warhammer world with Garfy and Arcane and got myself this sweet free Iron Golem! It was such an awesome day, and taking home a new unreleased miniature was the icing on...
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