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Hello to everyone! My painting name is Arkaan and I’m really happy for having a chance to show off one of my models here. At day I’m working as an automation system designer and at night I’m changing to paint slapping madman. I truly love this hobby and the painting state of mind, I’m addicted to it for almost 5 years now.

Today I’m presenting to you one of my recently painted model, the Illuminor Szeras! Fresh new sculpt from Games Workshop. It’s a pleasure to paint this vicious Necron that’s sucking out all the flesh from pinned down specimen. The horror visible on the face of his victim is a cherry on top of this kit.

While painting this model I decided to test out a bit different approach than usual including some oil washes. After priming the model in three subassemblies (main body, arm with staff, leg with specimen) I painted some basecoats metallics: Leadbelcher, Retributor Armor, and copper. Next step was adding some weathering with a sponge and dark brown colour. After that went black and brown oil washes that were cleaned afterwards from large areas with enamel thinner. On top of this, I’ve done an edge highlight with my favourite Vallejo Air Game Color Chrome. 

Next on the list was painting all the black areas with black, Incubi Darkness and Celestra Grey. Moving fast to my favourite parts of the model, that’s the green. I take my time doing this neatly using Warpstone Glow, Nuln Oil, Moot Green and Ushabti Bone. After painting the victim with standard Citadel Colors I fully assembled the model before painting the flying “goo”. The goo was basecoated with Screaming Skull and then painted with Citadel Contrast: Flesh Tearers Red, Magos Purple, Shyish Purple and highlighted with a bit of Screaming Skull.

Thanks a lot for this opportunity to show off my work here on Tale of Painters!

It would mean a great deal to me if you would follow me on Instagram or Facebook and leave a comment or reaction below if you’ve got any questions.