The final part of the showcase focussing on the FW models for the Iyanden army. This was the first army i really ventured into the FW models for game play. I had dabbled with the odd Dread weapon options, but this was big cash spending time!
First up are the flyers.
Way before the existing range of fighter aircraft hit the Eldar stock, the Nightwing was the daddy of the fighter craft. I think it still is pretty effective even under current rules to be honest
Phoenix Bomber
The bomber is not really a bomber, it has no bombs. But it does have some tasty guns nonetheless.
The large skimmers.
One of the first models to introduce a very tasty 10″ killer template. Its still a cost effective pick for Apoc games.
For those occasions you want a Revenant weapon, without paying Revenant points!
Revenant Titan:
Then we get onto some of the most beautiful things FW have ever made. This was the biggest model I bought from FW at the time. It is still an awesome model, and I actually hand painted it. No airbrushing this apart from the blue fins and guns, and to be honest it probably shows its age a little now as well.
Phantom Titan:
Finally, the big boy of the army, the giant that is the Phantom Titan. This was bought in 2011 as a wedding present from my wife. What an awesome woman she is eh? Well I did buy her a diamond bracelet, so perhaps i deserved it…
One of the first kits I actually airbrushed, and learned a lot from doing it. Its not perfect, and the blue fins are something I want to revisit and re-do one day to make better, and perhaps introduce some diamond template effects to. The icons are all hand painted. Construction of this took over a month to get the pose right, and drill, pin and fill the gaps etc. I even co-wrote a guide alongside a couple of other guys from Warseer when we all did these at the same time. I just googled “How to build a Phantom Titan PDF” and the first hit actually was that thread.
But to save you the efforts… Guide to Phantom Build. The thread contains the full build and a link to the PDF. Its 16 pages of thread, so stick with it if you want to see the history behind the model. I just re-read it in its entirety, and its still a good read, honest!
Nina being the name of my wife got a firm mention on the arm.
That concludes the mammoth showcase of my Eldar army. I have a few models to actually add to this, including the new flyers, the new wraith guard, new wraith knights, and 2 more FW fighters, plus a Vampire Raider. Only then, will my Eldar be “completed”
I really hope you enjoyed viewing the collection, hope it inspired you, and that big armies are fun!
Haywire Grenade
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I would love to know the Blues you used, wanting a similar effect on my Eldar Vehicles.
The total army shot was just too hard to pull off I am afraid. I tried! But there was just no chance I could get the lighting, and background to display them properly
Thank you so much for showcasing this wonderful army. It's been a massive inspiration for my fledgling Iyanden force and if mine ends up looking half as good as yours I will be chuffed! Only thing missing was a complete army shot but I understand how much of a pain that is to set up, especially with an army this size. Thanks again!
That really did make my hobby day GawFang!
The lynx needed some repairs to be fair, the weapon"fairing" on the top has warped in storage and was snapped. Trying to straighten it to something I could picture took 2 hours as it was. I guess the heat in the loft where it has lived for a while caused some issues. I think i need to carefully remove it and maybe channel out underneath it and run in a rigid metal wire to stop this behaviour.
Yes, I found the guide while doing some Googling before putting my order in with FW.
I've got some photos on Flickr with some of the WIP bits if you are interested.
Stunning. Love the Lynx. Tempted to get one for myself 🙂
Hey there. Did you that PDF guide just randomly found on the internet? Thats awesome! I have heard several others that undertook a Phantom project and had discovered it from searching. I am glad that what me and the others did has come in use once more. I love stories like this!
Very nice army.
This time last year I bought and built a Phantom titan and highly recommend the guide. It was very useful.
Impressive to say the least, very impressive indeed 😀
Just these figures here are more than a lifetime for me to assemble and paint :>