I’ve always been a big fan of the Ossiarch Bonereapers range, and with the release of Warcry: Briar and Bone, it was the perfect time to paint a few of these “bone samurai”. In this post, I’ll show you the Teratic Prowlers from the Teratic Cohort, which I used as test models for my upcoming Warcry warband.

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The dog-like Teratic Prowlers are formed from the bones of unfit Mortek Soldiers and are doomed to eternally hunt their prey. But all I care about is whether these fierce little bone-doggos turned out to be good boys. Check out the Teratic Cohort kit in my Warcry: Briar and Bone review here.

Teratic Prowlers from the Teratic Cohort Ossiarch Bonereaper Warcry warband, painted by Stahly front
These models were kindly provided by Games Workshop

Painting Prowlers

For the painting, I chose a combination of the Slapchop technique and a zenithal base coat, similar to what I used on my Skaventide Skaven. I primed the models with Colour Forge Drake Scale Green [similar to Stegadon Scale Green] and then applied a zenithal base coat using Warpaints Air Toxic Mist and WPA Yeti White [Corax White]. I followed this by gently drybrushing the models with VGC Dead White [White Scar]. I then washed the bone bodies with Vallejo Xpress Color Starship Steel [Gryph-Charger Grey], thinned with Contrast Medium for the larger, smoother bones. To sharpen the highlights, I mixed Vallejo Model Color Medium Grey Blue with white. To cover any patchy areas, I used pure VMC Medium Grey Blue mixed with P3 Coal Black [Incubi Darkness] as needed.

The inspiration for my colour scheme came from the ‘Eavy Metal version of Katakros, Mortarch of the Necropolis. I aimed for light construct bodies with a petrol-coloured hue and royal dark blue armour, complemented by bright white gold, green soul energy, and purple gems.

Cinematic shot of Teratic Prowlers from the Teratic Cohort Ossiarch Bonereaper Warcry warband, in an Aqshy Realm of Fire setting

I hope you like my colour scheme; it’s quick and easy to work with. Next, I’ll be focusing on the Aviarch Harpies, and I aim to complete the entire Teratic Cohort of the Ossiarch Bonereapers, along with a fully furnished Warcry gaming board, by the end of the year. More on that soon here on Tale of Painters.

Feel free to leave a reaction, or drop a comment below, I’m also happy to answer any questions on our friendly hobby Discord server. Thanks a lot, and happy hobbying!