40k, Tutorials

Tutorial: Rev’s Caestus Assault Ram

Here is how I painted the Assault ram. Full tutorial after the jump. 1) First of all you need to consider whether you want the inside painted or not. Of course, if you’ve spent over £100 on big lumps of resin, chances are you’re serious…

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Fantasy - The Old World

WIP: Arachnarok Spider #5

It’s always nice to complete the base. I always feel like the project is getting somewhere when the base is complete. I used cork, slate and spare plastic bits from the Orc and Goblin range including some more skulls. It’s not Warhammer unless it has…

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Fantasy - The Old World

Skavenslaves 5th batch started

Is it just me, or do my blog posts all look the same lately? Don’t worry, the end is nigh. This is the fifth and final batch of Skavenslaves, as you can see, it’s the front rank with a musician. I did a good amount…

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40k, Showcase

Showcase: Caestus Assault Ram

Finished, and what a kit. This is the biggest FW kit I’ve put together, not yet being in the Titan club, (I’m in the ‘where would my wife let me keep it’ club instead). It wasn’t too bad actually, compared to the AWFUL Mk2b Landraider…

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40k, Showcase

Showcase: Space Wolves Long Fangs

Hi, this time we got a bunch of Long Fangs (Devastators, but with additional punch). Some of you probably wonder where the pack leader is, why they have different pack markings and why they aren’t all grey-haired/bearded. The first questions are answered by the fact…

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