
Thunderhawk: Landing Gear Part 2

Brother Sergeant Chronus is mightily impressed with the landing gear. Can you believe that with all the straightening, filing, sanding of all the parts, the actual landing gear needed no work! It was a perfect level fit. Close up shot of the front and rear…

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Thunderhawk: Landing gear part 1

With all the smaller parts now washed, I could start making up some of the smaller assemblies such as the landing gear. As you can see in the first pic there are quite a few parts (none of which are labelled or numbered by the…

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Thunderhawk: Wash your bits

The build has been going really well, with most of the big parts cleaned up, straightened and dry fitted. It’s time to clean the parts. I use hot water, a toothbrush and washing up liquid to clean the parts. As you can see I use…

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Thunderhawk: Pin to win

Tiny update from me today. The above pic shows the Turbo Laser with a piece of brass rod drilled into it. I thought this simplistic method of switching weapons would work a treat. I’ll use magnets for the heavy bolter wing sponsons though.

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40k, Showcase

Showcase: Salamanders Land Raider

Hey guys, I know it’s been a while since my last post on here. Reason for this was basically bad project management. At some point I suddenly had five different things on my desk but didn’t really progress sufficiently on any of those. This kind…

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Thunderhawk: Grinding the engines

If you’ve been following my Thunderhawk blog entries then you’ll know I have a soft spot for power tools (and hair dryers). I’ve found another power tool to use. In the first pic you can see me sanding one the jet engine parts flat with…

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Grey Knights: Painting the Purgation Squad

I’m working on a Purgation Squad this week. The Grey Knight sprue is packed with bits. Enough to make 4 different squads. The Strike Squad, Purifier Squad, Interceptors and the Purgation Squad. You only get 2 Psycannons in the box, but I had 2 from…

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Thunderhawk: Interior Design

Ever wondered what the inside of a Thunderhawk looked like… well wonder no more! I love the first pic here. I can imagine the first pilot saying to the second pilot “I told you not to park the Thunderhawk in the rough part of town”….

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