
Thunderhawk: Winging it

In the last blog I touched upon a few of the tools I use for big resin models, this included cutting the rod and drilling the holes. In the first picture you can see the rod in place. The picture shows two rods but after…

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WIP: Salamanders Land Raider Redeemer

Hey there, aside from painting Dreadfleet, some Imperial Guard for Epic and trying to get some of my own stuff done I’m working on Salamanders (as you may have read in the blog post from a few days ago). So I thought I’d post some…

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Thunderhawk: Tools for the Job

I thought this blog entry would be good to explain the tools I’m using on this build. As you can See in the first picture I use a Dremel, a selection of files, a craft knife, a hacksaw and some clippers. I also find that…

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Thunderhawk: Early Dry Fit

Check out the size of this model in the first dry fit! It’s huge. I think I’m going to need a bigger desk. As you can see some of the parts aren’t fully cleaned up yet, but I couldn’t resist doing a dry fit and…

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Thunderhawk: The Big Clean Up

Yesterday we had the unboxing and today is clean up. As you can see in the first picture the largest parts have an incredible amount of flash on them, huge big chunks of the stuff! The only way to remove this is with hacksaw. The…

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Unboxing the Thunderhawk Gunship

How exciting is this! I’m so honoured to be joining Sigur and Stahly on Tale of Painters and sharing my works with the hobby community. I’m hoping we can share ideas and people can help me improve with suggestions. My first project on Tale of…

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