40k, Showcase

Showcase: Salamanders and Blood Angels Chaplains!

Hey people. I just finished these two chaplains! The fellow with terminator armour really is a pretty model. I never paid much attention to him at the initial release but after a few weeks, everybody started to show off his finished version of this model…

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Ultramarines Terminator Seargent WIP

Remember the CC Terminator Squad I painted for my Ultramarines some time ago? Well, they were missing their Seargent because back then I couldn’t get the tabbard bit in time. I don’t like leaving squads unfinished, so as my Stormvermins are finished now, I took…

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WIP: Dark Angels Captain

Just a quick thing in between – a Dark Angels Captain. It’s a Finecast model, the amount of flash and mold lines was minimal. A few unexpected new bits of flash in places where they wouldn’t have been with metal castings. Went together seamlessly, no…

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Thunderhawk: Front wings and aerilons

Having added the the rear tail fin in the last blog entry, I continued down the aerilon route and added the front wings, their aerilons and the main wing aerilons. First things first, a nice cup of tea in my favourite mug! Secondly the clean…

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Thunderhawk: Tail fin

Well today’s entry is all about the rear stabilising tail fin and ailerons. I’ve cleaned the pieces up as shown in the pic above. In these pictures you can see a groove in the engine, it’s important this is facing upwards otherwise the tail fin…

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