
Warlock, quick update

Just a quick update on my Warlock, had half an hour spare time to paint this evening and finished the red cloak.

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Farseer finished, Warlock started

Seond week at work, again lots of overtime so I basically didn’t had any hobby time on weekdays except reading the new White Dwarf. Today I had a full afternoon for painting though and I finished the Farseer and started a Warlock by painting the…

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Farseer painting update

Unfortunately a lot of overtime prevented me from doing any more work on the Farseer, but today I finally had the spare time for a lot of painting. What’s left to do is painting the head and correct any small mistakes I made on the…

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Farseer painting started

So after I finished my Fire Prism (HQ pictures will follow once I get around varnishing it) yesterday I started painting a Farseer as a reward. So far I painted the purple cloak, the bone lining, the white sash and the red robe. I’m really…

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Fire Prism, 95% complete

So my Fire Prism is almost done. The only thing left to do is adding another decal, fixing the occasional mistake and of course varnishing. I’m really happy I’m finally done with it, I’m working on it for two weeks and I got sick of…

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Fire Prism turret 95% done

I’m almost done with the turret. I only need to do some minor corrections, a final highlight on the canopy (I forgot to take the appropiate colour with me) and applying a transfer. The canopy and the crystal allowed to practise blending. I’m quite happy…

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Fire Prism turret painting

I’m currently at my parents but took some paints and brushes with me and started painting the turret. I did the shading on the red armour and currently I’m applying the first highlight.

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