Review: White Dwarf Issue 456
Today I’m going to review White Dwarf issue 456. Taking a look at the contents and sharing some of my favourite bits. More after the jump.
Chat: The Missing Models! – Dark Angels in White Dwarf
The cover story on this month’s White Dwarf is all about Dark Angels and I was invited to share my collection on these hallowed pages. Regular readers would have been following my progress on my Dark Angels for a while but I thought I’d use…
Review: White Dwarf March 2019
It’s been a couple of months of the new White Dwarf and it’s about time I started reviewing it again. After the jump find out what’s in March’s issue and read my thoughts on it. Firstly, isn’t the cover beautiful. Subscribers get a special edition…
Review: Issue 1 and 2 of Warhammer 40,000 Conquest Magazine
Check it out! I’ve subscribed to Warhammer 40,000 Conquest! After the jump check out my unboxing video where I show you what you get in issues 1 and 2. Watch my review to hear my thoughts on this new weekly publication For those who don’t…
Review: The Eldar Collection by Jes Goodwin (Asuryani & Drukhari Sketchbooks)
Following up The Eldar Sketchbook, which was only available on Games Workshop store birthdays in limited quantities, we were now treated with The Eldar Collection, a two-volume tome containing the Asuryani (Craftworlds) and Drukhari (Dark Eldar) concept art by design legend Jes Goodwin. In this review, we…
Video Review: White Dwarf September 2016
In my latest video log (link after the jump), I take a look at all the different incarnations of White Dwarf since 1994 and talk about the new issue see how it stacks up to it’s predecessors. If you enjoyed this video, feel free to…
Review: The Eldar Sketchbook by Jes Goodwin
The Eldar Sketchbook is a book filled with the original Eldar concept art by Jes Goodwin, available in limited quantities only on Games Workshop/Warhammer store birthdays. A must have for any Eldar aficionado. Last weekend I took a five hours drive to acquire mine, so…
Video Review: White Dwarf Issue 120 First thoughts on Warhammer Quest Silver Tower
Haven’t reviewed a White Dwarf for quite some time, with the arrival of Warhammer Quest Silver Tower I just had to do a video review of the White Dwarf issue and give you my thoughts on the new game. Check out the video after the…
Review: Forge World Model Masterclass The Horus Heresy Volume One
This week I got a new Forge World painting guide book The Horus Heresy Model Master Class Volume 1. I already own two of the previous Forge World painting books Imperial Armour volume 1 and II, which are great. So it was a no brainer…
Chat: White Dwarf Warhammer Visions Garfy’s Army of the Month
I’m very happy to share with you guys my Army of the Month appearance! In August’s Warhammer Visions my entire Tyranid collection is shown in all it’s gribble glory spread across 22 pages! After the jump I want to a share a couple of pictures…
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