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Haven’t reviewed a White Dwarf for quite some time, with the arrival of Warhammer Quest Silver Tower I just had to do a video review of the White Dwarf issue and give you my thoughts on the new game. Check out the video after the jump. 

I’m still in two minds as to whether I’m going to buy Silver Tower. I’m a huge Warhammer Quest fan. (I’ll trawl through my old pictures and do a throwback post of the original edition of Warhammer Quest soon) so I’m really excited to see a new version of the game. I’m a little bummed out by the lack of versatility from the game. I think battling the same enemies every dungeon will lose appeal. The original had the ability to level up your characters and introduce new monster tables as you levelled up. From the looks of it this set is missing those campaign elements. 

What are your first thoughts on the Silver Tower? Is this going to be your gateway game into the realm of Age of Sigmar?

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