Haven’t reviewed a White Dwarf for quite some time, with the arrival of Warhammer Quest Silver Tower I just had to do a video review of the White Dwarf issue and give you my thoughts on the new game. Check out the video after the jump.
I’m still in two minds as to whether I’m going to buy Silver Tower. I’m a huge Warhammer Quest fan. (I’ll trawl through my old pictures and do a throwback post of the original edition of Warhammer Quest soon) so I’m really excited to see a new version of the game. I’m a little bummed out by the lack of versatility from the game. I think battling the same enemies every dungeon will lose appeal. The original had the ability to level up your characters and introduce new monster tables as you levelled up. From the looks of it this set is missing those campaign elements.
What are your first thoughts on the Silver Tower? Is this going to be your gateway game into the realm of Age of Sigmar?
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Sounds like a linked gameplay campaign as opposed to an experience-gaining levelling up campaign the original had. The original had it's own huge campaign book where you could visit settlements in-between dungeons, buy equipment, heal etc. It had monster tables you could use to populate your dungeons with anything you want. This is what I'm referring to by campaign.
Playing every mission in the Silver Tower against the Gaunt Summoner seems limiting when compared to the original.
It still looks amazing and the gameplay is as exciting as the original. I'm just not sure about it's focussed narrow story line. Why limit it to one ever changing dungeon where in the original you could explore the entire Old World above and below ground.
So its kinda like old Mordheim but for AoS?
Did like Mordheim a lot so this could be interesting :>
Great review Garfy! 😀
There ARE campaign elements.
The story is of 8 dungeon delves of varying difficulty, to find the 8 pieces of the amulet that you'll use in the final, ninth, scenario. There is persistent upgrades to your characters (and some you'll lose "because Tzeentch" I suppose) – see page 15 of WD#120. Lots of excitement about this from Jervis are Warhammer Fest yesterday (and I imagine today too).
I spotted Ben Curry and Dan Heelan getting a game in, so we could expect to hear more from them on the Bad Dice and Heelanhammer podcasts.
There's no campaign? Awwww man, I was really looking forward to this.
My guess is if this does well enough we will see more Warhammer Quest:"Some Other Place in the AoS Realms" with them eventually developing a Campaign play mode that could link various locations together.
I was on the fence as well, but a 20% discount at a local game store swayed me. I'm looking forward to getting my mitts on it!
Just got back from my local GW after a game with 4 others and really enjoyed it. It was a lot of fun.
I love the models in the box – they're gorgeous and some of the first AoS models Ive liked.
Im disappointed the game is set in the AoS universe though (as inevitable as that was) as the games lore/setting are a big turn off to me. Id hoped they'd go the Blood Bowl route and set WHQ in a "warhammer like" universe. The two way crossover with AoS is certainly neat though for people that are into it.
So, bit torn on if I'll buy it and guess it'll depend how good the new rules are compared to the old ones.
I bought the living bugger out of it!
haha Great comment Alex!