WIP: Blood Bowl Orc Team Goblins and Troll
Hey all, on my last post I showed the beginnings of a Blood Bowl Orc team. Today I’m showing the mid workings of a small group of Goblins and a Troll that are part of the Orc team. The models in the photos are quite…
Showcase: Slambo, Chaos Warrior by FruitBear
Hi there everyone! Hope you’ve all been well. Recently I’ve completed my very first resin miniature (well what ever resin GW is using now instead of finecast). What better way to start my first resin miniature then doing Slambo! There’s more photos and details after…
WIP: Halfling Rooster Riders
Hullo. 🙂 Just a quick one from me today – it’s a WIP shot of the first two Rooster Riders I’m working on. These are from a Kickstarter I backed last year. Now I got a coop’s worth of these chaps lying around (plus some…
Showcase: Dwarf Gyrocopter by FruitBear
Hi everyone I’m back again with more Dwarves, this time being a Gyrocopter. I remembered when this mini came out there were a few words to describe it depending on whether you liked it or not. For me the words were “steampunk” and “cute” thus…
Showcase: Dwarf Thunderers by FruitBear
Hello everyone! Back again with another post about the models I first painted in 2006. This time it’s the Thunderers from the Battle of Skull Pass starter set. Although he quality of the models weren’t as good as the ones in current starter sets I…
Showcase: Dwarf Warriors by FruitBear
Hello everyone! Whilst thinking back to the models that I’ve painted in the past, I thought I’d do a throw back post of the first models I painted back in 2006 when I first started the hobby. These Dwarf Warriors came from the Battle for…
Showcase: Trolls of the Old World by Banzai1000
Banzai1000 here, today I would like to show some of my Trolls. I don’t know how popular these models are or were, but personally I love all the different variatons. More trolling after the jump… Above are three River Trolls (Fellwater Troggoths) I finished recently,…
Showcase: Warriors of Chaos Lord Executioner and Retinue by Banzai1000
Hi all, Banzai1000 here with some “cute” Warriors of Chaos conversions. Click to find out more… The idea was to create a small warband of the Warriors of Chaos. This Lord Executioner is based upon the Sorcerer Lord from GW. I converted him with parts…
Tutorial: Painting Blood ThirdEyeNuke Style
Hey guys, today I want to do a quick tutorial on painting blood. How I paint blood is a question that I get asked a lot and it’s very easy to do. Step 1: Load your brush up with GW Reikland Flesh Shade and apply…
Showcase: Warhammer Monsters by Banzai1000 #2
Banzai1000 back again, welcome to part two of my Warhammer Fantasy monster and diorama showcase. Check out a gruesome Merwyrm after the jump. Above you can see a conversion I did for a Chaos army a while ago, from my Armies on Parade entry of 2012….
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