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Hi all, Banzai1000 here with some “cute” Warriors of Chaos conversions. Click to find out more…

The idea was to create a small warband of the Warriors of Chaos. This Lord Executioner is based upon the Sorcerer Lord from GW. I converted him with parts from the Plague Bearers, the Chaos Knights and the Plague Lord.

This model is the Plague Lord itself. I simply changed the head. A great model and probably one of the best selling model that GW made so far.

This warband member is a Plague Bearers with a zombie’s head and a Nurgling for the base. I also used parts from the Chaos Warriors kit.

Here is a conversion from an old Beastmen Minotaur. I gave him an Ogre head and new arms from the Posessed Chaos Warriors and some more Ogres bits.

The Standard Bearer of the crew. Obviously also the Plague Lord model, which I converted with parts from Chaos Knights. This model won a Finalist Pin on Golden Demon years ago.

That’s all for now. See you soon…