Showcase: Forge World Blood Thirster, Greater Daemon of Khorne
Hi all! Today I would like to show a blast from the past: A Blood Thirster, Greater Daemon of Khorne from Forge World, which I painted nearly 10 years ago. Some more angles after the jump… I did some conversion work, changing the left hand…
Showcase: Thousand Sons Infantry by Aurélie
Hey there, Aurélie back with one of my biggest commission project ever – a huge Thousand Sons army, painted to my best quality level. This time we have a look at the infantry – Rubric Marines, Tzaangors, and Horrors of all varieties. Check them out…
Showcase: Nurgle Cor ‘bax Utterblight, Daemon Prince of the RuinStorm
With all the new Nurgle models that have come out, I thought I’d show a Forge World Cor ‘bax Utterblight Daemon Prince of Nurgle. The model was released a few years back and is a really nice sculpt. The model has so many things going…
WIP: Chaos Daemons Great Unclean One
Hey all, something today with a big grin being a Great Unclean One. I started painting this model way back over Christmas 2016 and it has for a year now sat at the end of my desk watching me. A few days ago I finally…
Showcase: Chaos Daemons Slaanesh Soulgrinder
Hey guys, today I decided to show a model I painted a few years ago. It’s a Chaos Daemons Slaanesh Soulgrinder. I like this model a lot and really enjoyed painting it at the time. From memory I think it was from way back in…
WIP: Khorne Daemonkin Chaos Spawn
Hey all, today is a real quick post with a WIP of some Khorne Daemonkin Chaos Spawn. I have had these models laying around half painted since the beginning of the summer and had almost forgotten about them. Whilst searching for some other model’s I…
Showcase: Khorne Daemons Characters by Uruk
Hey guys, Uruk is back! Today I’m going to show you two characters which are the newest additions to my Khorne daemon cohort. Firstly, here’s my converted Herald on Juggernaut. I’ve always loved Khorne Juggernauts design, there’s just something about their aesthetic that hits…
Showcase: Louise Sugden’s Tzeentch Daemons #2
HELLO AGAIN! (insert nice sounding intro along the usual lines of ‘Hello, I am that guy who painted the obnoxious space bird and Garfy has invited me to talk about the rest of my rainbow daemon friends so here we go’) Doing a box of Pink…
WIP: Khorne Daemonkin Troops
Howdy all, today I thought I would share further work that I have done on the beginnings of my small Khorne Daemonkin army. As Garfy pointed out in his last post this is going to be one of those projects that I really want to…
WIP: Tau Warrior Strike Team, Tetras and Khorne Daemonkin Troops
Hey Guys, the last few days have been pretty busy for me. I have managed to base and get started painting on quite a large amount of Tau Warriors and Khorne Daemonkin Troops. T he Tau are part of a large army that I am…
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