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Hi All! It’s Ksusha from Thirdeyenuke Studio and I’m back with another tutorial: for resin bases.

 In this video I cover a basic colour scheme for rocky terrain, as well as show how to add snow and also with a few quick steps turn the colour scheme into a swamp one. I think those basic realistic colour schemes as well as the design of the bases work well with most models and become integrated into the model, acting as a backdrop for the model intself. Let me know if you have any questions or comments!


Thirdeyenuke Studio Resin Bases

Tools used: 

Airbrush: Harder and Steenbeck Infinity CR + with 0.4 needle

Compressor: Iwata studio Series Jet Pro

Spray Booth: GraphicAir A300S D Airbrush Spray Booth


Vallejo Model Air White

Vallejo Model Air Chrome

Vallejo Model Air Black Brown/ Grey Brown

Vallejo Model Air Black

Vallejo Model Air Olive Drab (swamp option)

 Citadel White Scar

Vitadel Abbadon/ Chaos Black

P3 Gun Corps Brown

Mig Pigment Dark Mud

Mig Pigment Industrial City Dirt

Mig Pigment Light Rust


Army Painter Highland Turf

Javis Static Grass

Super Glue

PVA Glue

Bicarbonate of Soda (snow option)

Vallejo Still Water (swamp option)

Woodland Scenics Underbush Olive Green (swamp option)

Life Colour Powders Full-blown Green (swamp option)

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