Welcome back sports fans to the second quarter of this great game called Tale of Tuesdays! I’ve hit my second monthly deadline by completing the next three models. After the jump, I’ll share some close-ups and a group shot of all six players of the Deep Sick Divers!
I recently shared a tutorial on this scheme and I’ve changed how I paint these already. I’m always looking for time saving, efficient techniques and Contrast has helped me with these three models.
The biggest change is the undercoat. These are undercoated with Grey Seer instead of black. This replaces step 1 on the tutorial and means you can remove step 2 completely. You do need to add a step in-between steps 6 and 7 and paint the cloth goods and boots with Abaddon Black. Painting the black on is faster than three coats of Celestra Grey so it’s a big time saver still.
The other change is I’m using Contrast Blood Angel’s Red for the guts and then I’m using Citadel ‘Ardcoat to gloss varnish the guts.
I’m at half time now with the Deep Sick Divers. Going into the second half I’m feeling really confident that I can score a touch down and complete the whole team before the whistle blows on this project.
What’s that, you want to get involved?
You can join us on the pitch by sharing your work on social media platforms (twitter, Instagram or facebook) using the hashtags:
#taleoftuesdays #taleofpainters #paintyourgames
Make sure your account is public (in case of facebook, set your #taleoftuesdays posts to public).
We want to engage with all our fellow coaches, so we’ll have an eye on these hashtags and stop by for comments and criticism. Every now and then we also feature your finished players here on Tale of Painters.
From all of your teams that were painted during Tale of Tuesdays, we pick our favourite team to win a Wayland Games or Element Games voucher to the amount of a plastic Blood Bowl team box so you can start painting another team right away.
We hope to see a lot of cool Blood Bowl teams painted! Until next Tuesday…
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My co-blogger gets into the #taleoftuesdays fun today, with 4 black orc blockers for his orc team.
Diluted Blood Angel's Red with Contrast Medium could be a good replacement for Bloodletter Glaze.
I tried a lot of different gloss varnishes, and Ardcoat is one of the worst… if you ever stumble across
AK Interactive Intermediate Gauzy Agent (shine enhancer)
(the bottle with the green logo)
don't think twice and pick it up…
It's very thin, you get no visible brush strokes and the gloss effect is way better… Ardcoat looks like a satin varnish compared to it & it drys rock hard.
You mustn't shake the bottle, that's a little different to other varnishes.
No i don't work for AK Interactive ^^, but after i read Ardcoat a several times i thought i share my experience with a (imho) better Varnish.
Sounds interesting Oli, thanks for sharing your experience.
Team is looking great! I was working on my next three wood elves this weekend, but had to strip and start over twice on the skin for the wardancer. Really struggling with that one 🙁
Oh no! What's your recipe?
My painting technique is inks and washes over a zenithal prime. I tried using the Darkoath Flesh contrast over it, which needed a couple of coats over my prime, the end result was more tanned than what I wanted. I tried to glaze over it with a lighter flesh tone but the end result was just bad. I stripped and tried again, this time I tried to base the skin in an off white and use the contrast paint over that, but I guess I didn't wait long enough for the base to try and everything started to flake off again when I started using the contrast paint. Back into the stripper it went 🙁