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Hey guys, today I decided to show a model I painted a few years ago. It’s a Chaos Daemons Slaanesh Soulgrinder.
I like this model a lot and really enjoyed painting it at the time. From memory I think it was from way back in 2013. How time flies. I’m currently trying to locate the other photos that I took of this army and hopefully I will post them at some point later in the few remaining weeks of 2016. I also found some photos of some Infinity models that my wife painted. These are actually the first models that she ever painted, and I think she did a good job. They are known as The Riot Grrrls. Are you looking forward to the release of Bloodbowl?
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Damn that thing looks real!!!
That's really impressive! I guess she had a lot of guidance from you 🙂
Hey Goldmunds. Yeah I was sort of helping in the background. But she pretty much did everything else. Sadly these are the last models she ever painted.
Those were her first models? Wow.