Showcase: Dreadfleet (Part 2)
…and here is part 2 of the Dreadfleet showcase for your viewing enjoyment!
Showcase: Dreadfleet (Part1)
After an admittedly long wait, here is the first bunch of pictures of Dreadfleet models. There will be more very soon!
Review: Dreadfleet (Part 3 – Playing the Game)
After cleaning and putting together the pieces (and a lot of painting) me and a bunch of friends sat down to try the game out last night. First, some general info in how the game plays: As the description on GW’s website says, the game…
Review: Dreadfleet (Part 2 – Cleaning, Assembly)
Welcome to the second part of my review of Dreadfleet. In this part I will focus on getting the parts off the sprues and assembling the models. A general piece of advice that helped me a lot: Do not stick the ships together before gluing…
Review: Dreadfleet (Part 1 – What’s in the box?)
Hey guys! For my first article or series of articles on Tale of Painters I will talk about Dreadfleet. I don’t think that Dreadfleet needs much of an introduction. For the past months, the internet has been bristling with rumours and previews of the new…
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