
Showcase: Dreadfleet Complete Set

Yup, finished! Time to do some group shots, right? The pretty ships and all aside, I really, really dig that water table blanket. I used mine not only for Dreadfleet, but also for Dystopian Wars and for playtesting a WW2 carrier attack aerial game. A…

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Showcase: Dreadfleet Bloody Reaver

The last one to be presented traditionally is Count Noctilus’ flag ship, the Bloody Reaver. I wonder what the concept sketches for this one looked like before it ended up being a castle atop a mountain on a skull island on top of ship wrecks,…

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Showcase: Dreadfleet Grimnir’s Thunder (and monsters!)

Grimnir’s Thunder, always a fan favourite. Again, a very unique design AND it comes with a unique auxiliary vessel! A Dwarven ironclad with gun turrets and airships to launch. And a little mini-me to paddle along (on the base). Another cool model. Like the skabrus…

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Showcase: Dreadfleet Heldenhammer

It’s huge and red and has an unholy amount of firepower and a giant mechanical golden man with a huge hammer in the front – it’s the Heldenhammer!  It’s amazing how they managed to turn this into such a comparatively clean and sombre design, isn’t…

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Showcase: Dreadfleet Auxiliary Cogs

Today I’ll show you a bunch of small, but important items from the Dreadfleet set – the Auxiliary Cogs. These are rather tiny indeed. The base diameter must be about penny sized. Each of them goes with one of the capital ships, and just painting…

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Showcase: Dreadfleet Shadewraith

It’s a G-g-g-g-ghost Ship! The Shadewraith is always painted greenish-white to some extent because it’s the Flying Dutchman and all. With this one I tried to turn up the super- (or un- if you prefer) natural look up several nudges and went for an extra…

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Showcase: Dreadfleet Skabrus & Black Kraken

Covering both of ‘the Ickies’ today – the Skaven Skabrus and the Chaos Dwarf inspired Black Kraken. I love painting the Skabrus model. Mostly because it’s such a welcome change from all the other ships in the Dreadfleet box. These miniatures being very small scale…

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Showcase: Dreadfleet Swordfish

Arrr, it’s the pirate ship! With the ladycaptain!  …and the cool sail designs. This time I went for a wood plank coloured deck instead of the black one. Makes the ship look more ‘proper’ whilst sacrificing a bit of tightness on the colour scheme, but…

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Showcase: Dreadfleet Curse of Zandri

Proceeding with the latest Dreadfleet ships! This time it’s the Curse of Zandri, the Khemri ship. Always a joy to paint, not the least because it doesn’t have bloody sails to bother with. 😉 It’s a really cool design too, with these obsidian coloured statues…

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