
Showcase: Dreadfleet Skabrus

Skabrus used to be a huge Orb Leviathan which ate the flagship of Sketch of Clan Scurvy. Sketch and his crew of Skaven ate the Orb Leviathan from the inside out, but died in the process along with the huge sea creature. Count Noctilus resurrected…

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Showcase: Dreadfleet The Shadewraith

I’m quite pleased with the way this turned out. It was painted pretty quick using washes and dry brushing, something I don’t do all that often, but I really like the glowing bright colour. Two ships left to paint.

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WIP: Dreadfleet The Shadewraith

Real life has taken priority this week, so the hobby has taken a back seat. Today I wanted to pick up my brushes for a bit of escapism, so decided to work on the Shadewraith. I’m on a bit of a roll with the Dreadfleet…

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Showcase: Dreadfleet Grimnir’s Thunder

I thought I would capitalise on the enjoyment of painting the Black Kraken and paint another Dreadfleet ship. I painted the Black Kraken’s arch nemesis, Grimnir’s Thunder. On this model, the majority of the hull is metal. This made painting the model a little time-consuming….

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Showcase: Dreadfleet The Black Kraken

Painting the Flaming Scimitar sucked out all my enthusiasm for painting Dreadfleet models. The Black Kraken has restored my faith in the awesomeness of the models in this game. This was so much fun to paint, the model has something that none of the other…

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WIP: Dreadfleet – The Flaming Scimitar #1

I’ve been feeling guilty recently. I’ve been painting all these awesome big kits and Dreadfleet has been languishing alone in the corner of my man cave like a Parrot who has a fear of shoulders. To rectify these feelings of guilt, I thought it would…

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Showcase: Dreadfleet Curse of Zandri

After having his loot plundered by Captain Roth, King Amanhotep had his undead servants work tirelessly for many long weeks to relentlessly construct the Curse of Zandri… well I went one better and managed to assemble and paint it in just a few evenings! Come…

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WIP: Dreadfleet Curse of Zandri

Steadily painting one warship a month, the Curse of Zandri is January’s project. I haven’t glued the ship to the base yet hence why you can see a gap where the oars meet. I’m hoping glue will help hide that. Is anyone else painting Dreadfleet?…

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