Showcase: Dreadfleet – The Flaming Scimitar
Staying in the lands far off the Old World, today we got the Flaming Scimitar. Surely one of the most colourful ships from the box and investing extra time into it does pay off. One of the things which impress me the most about Dreadfleet…
Showcase: Dreadfleet – The Curse of Zandri
Staying on the “evil” side of things, here’s the Curse of Zandri. Very lovely ship. The small cog got some made-up Egyptian looking glyph. Note the gemstone-like blue and red adornments on both the ships.
Showcase: Dreadfleet – The Bloody Reaver
Today, it’s all about Count Noctilus’ flagship itself – the Bloody Reaver! The small byship (is there a word like that?) is painted in colours to go with the big ship as always. The freehand on the sail is a bit different to how I’ve…
Showcase: Dreadfleet – The Black Kraken
Let’s kick off the series on the finished ships of Dreadfleet with one of the most notorious of the set – the Black Kraken! Such a great model. I’m always impressed how much movement and depth they got into the tentacles of a three part…
WIP: Dreadfleet, the Second – Part 3
Arrrr mateys, the Heldenhammer takes so much longer than I had anticipated, it’s just insane. So instead of finished pictures, as I had hoped, I present you with a picture of the big capital ships of both fleets going toe to toe. The Heldenhammer (Big…
WIP: Dreadfleet, the Second – Part 2
Here we go with part two of this wild collection of WIP shots of the new Dreadfleet project I’m currently working on. First, the Bloody Reaver! This time I had much more fun painting the thing than I did last time. Not sure why really….
WIP: Dreadfleet, the Second – Part 1
One of the perks of being a commission painter is that you get to paint some things more than once. In this case – Dreadfleet! The basic order was “Do it as you did before!” and I obey. Of course it’s not 100% the same…
Showcase: Dreadfleet finished pictures
What is a better sensation then new box smell? Completing an entire box set of models, that’s what is! I feel fantastic that I’ve completed the entire Dreadfleet boxset. Read on for more jubilation and pictures. All the ships, terrain, gaming pieces are fully painted….
Showcase: Dreadfleet, The Sea Drake.
I painted the Sea Drake like most of the ships from Dreadfleet by keeping the pieces separate and base coating the parts in their respective colours using my airbrush. The sails even got a little airbrush highlighting. It was then just a case of painting…
Showcase: Dreadfleet Cog Auxiliary Ships
It’s like Epic 40,000 goes to sea! These tiny ships (and dragon) were fast to paint. I mimicked their parent ships with similar paint schemes. I couldn’t find the effort to paint freehand on the sails but it’s another step towards completion.
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