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Welcome to the second part of my review of Dreadfleet. In this part I will focus on getting the parts off the sprues and assembling the models. A general piece of advice that helped me a lot: Do not stick the ships together before gluing to see how they fit. You will have a very hard time getting them apart again. As with most ships, I didn’t glue the masts onto the model (as well as the sails and bases). They are just stuck into the respective places (just a bit, not completely). Sails and bases haven’t been attached either. This is all for painting and transportation purposes.

First we got the Heldenhammerof course (see above). The fits of the part is excellent and tight. No real need for rubberbands of spanners to keep the parts together while drying. Just see that you have a look at the instructions on the side of the inner part of the box. There’s a plan behind assembling this ship and you should stick to it. Then you’ll have no problems.

TheBlood Reaver: Probably the trickiest one. It’s a 14 part model and it’s rather cleverly designed. First and foremost, take care when getting this one out of the sprue. The elevated castle part is only connected by two thin sticks on each side so they snap easily. After that, follow the instructions on the sides of the inner box part. Those are worth their weight in gold because especially this ship is a clever construction. In this case the masts were glued into place because the construction of the ship requires it. This could be circumvented if cou do a little cutting and such but I wanted to stick to the box as close as possible.

The Black Kraken: Really very straightforward. No problems to be noticed here. You may want to consider painting the halves of the hull before putting them together because there’s a little detail in between there but in this case I don’t think it’s really worth it or too hard to paint despite the hull glued together.

Grimnir’s Thunder:Another very straightforward one. Just take care that the turret and gun on top connect well and you may want to paint the “interior” detail before putting the two sides of the hull together.

The Swordfish: Really not much to say about this one. Classic look, easy to assemble. Just take care of the fish bones like flags as they could easily be bent or snap.

The Skabrus: No real trouble to be found here – just seee that you get the decks the right way around. Getting the mast through the two holes may take a little force because there’s a mold line right in the middle of the upper hole.

The Shadewraith: Surely one of the highlights of the set. Due to multiple decks, I will prime and paint the single parts mostly before putting them together completely. Take care when taking the masts off the sprues.

The Seadrake: Pretty straightforward as well. Again, just be careful when removing the masts from the sprue.

The Flaming Scimitar: I really like the design of that one and it’s always fun to see Araby stuff. I love the Warmaster Araby range and I find the idea of summoning an air djinn to blow into the sails is just entertaining. Anyway, this ship is all kinds of fragile. Relatively thin masts and two monsters sticking out of it which also seem to be rather prone to snapping if you don’t handle it carefully.

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Usirian’s Wrath: Not many problems there. Quick and easy to assemble, fits very well as all models from this game. Be careful about the blades on these Ushabti-like statues though.

The Islands:

Markers, Monsters and Shipwrecks:

All these pieces are very straightforward again. Nothing much to say about those. Some of the monsters can be a bit fragile so take care when cutting them off the sprues. And once you got those markers in your hand you won’t be able to resist doing this:

Stay tuned for part 3 in which I’ll get the painting started. Let me know if you liked this articles by dropping a comment below. See you soon! 🙂

Check out part 1 and part 3 of this review.

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