Showcase: Leman Russ, Primarch of the Space Wolves by Aurélie
Hi there, Aurélie here. I recently finished Leman Russ, the long desired model for the Primarch of the Space Wolves! Usually I paint with Vallejo and Citadel colours, but for this model I had a go with PRIMAcryl colours from German paint brand Schminke. I…
WIP: Space Wolves Ragnar Blackmane #1
Someone spied this mini in my airbrush review post and asked about the parts I used for the conversion. After the jump I list the parts. Body, torso, pistol arm and cape – Krom Dragongaze Head, chainsword and backpack – Space Wolves Upgrade pack Pony tails,…
Showcase: Space Wolves Terminators
Hey all, today I decided to show the finished Space Wolves Terminators. It was a tough challenge as they are meant to be 30K Space Wolves Terminators but mainly using 40K models with Warriors of Chaos heads. The models are for a Christmas present and…
WIP: Horus Heresy Space Wolves Terminators
Hey all and hope you’re having a nice Monday. The Christmas holidays are approaching and today I bring the beginnings of a unit of 30K Space Wolves Terminators. These guys are for a Christmas present and hopefully by the end of today I should have…
Showcase: Space Wolves Wolf Guard Battle Leader
Finished! It feels so good to get a Space Wolf model completed and I’m really happy with the results. I tried really hard with this one and the gulf in quality to Golden Demon standard is so vast. Luckily, I’m an army painter and content…
WIP: Space Wolves Wolf Guard Battle Leader #2
I’m really enjoying taking my time on this model. It’s quite nice just to slowly pick out the details a little at a time. I’m currently just picking out all the bone and claws areas. Plenty still left to do. Hope to finish this model…
WIP: Space Wolves Wolf Guard Battle Leader
Time for a new project. I thought I’d paint a Wolf Guard Battle Leader up quickly. Quickly for me is about a week. Watch this space for more updates. Any one else fancy painting a new project? Are you stuck or bored on a current…
Showcase: Space Wolves by Banzai1000
Hi all, Banzai1000 here with some Space Wolves I painted a while ago. Canis, Terminators and Björn after the jump, so click and enjoy… The Wolf Priest above is made from the regular Chaplain in Terminator Armour. I gave him some “accessoires” from the Space…
Tutorial: How to Paint Space Wolves Blood Claws
I’m pleased to present to you, a full photo tutorial for Space Wolves. This Blood Claw was painted in 32 steps and every single step is detailed after the jump. I’ve designed this tutorial so established painters find it interesting but also so new comers…
Showcase: Space Wolves Deredeo Dreadnought by ComradeQuiche
Hello all, My name is Shane Blomberg (AKA ComradeQuiche) and I am a product designer living in NYC. A big thanks again to Stahly for giving me the opportunity to share my newest project here on Tale of Painters! After my last big project (The…
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