Showcase: Space Wolves Grey Hunters
The pack of Space Wolf Grey Hunters has been finished for a while, I’ve only just got round to photographing them. I love the helmeted heads in this squad. It’s a nice contrast to bare heads of my Blood Claws. Check back soon to see…
WIP: Space Wolves Grey Hunters #1
Today I’m sharing a dirty, quick iPhone shot of my current painting project; some Grey Hunters. But I’d like to talk about the psychology of painting after the jump. Have you ever been so hyped to start a new army, you rush out splurge a…
Showcase: Space Wolves Blood Claws Pack
I finished a squad! My Space Wolf Blood Claws pack is complete. These guys were fun to paint and the unit is oozing character. All these crazy red heads eager to jump into combat and slaughter the enemies of Russ. Adding these to my Wolf…
WIP: Space Wolves Blood Claws Pack
Following hot on the tails of my Wolf Guard Terminators are these young pups, a pack of Blood Claws. After the jump read about what really winds me up about the plastic Space Wolf Sprue. Ok ok, so it’s only a small tiny bug bear…
Chat: 2004 to 2017 Return to Space Wolves
Check out my Wolf Guard Terminator squad from July 2004! These models are the plastic terminator models from the 2nd edition Space Hulk game from the 1990s. They’re heavy converted with greenstuff furs and lots of bitz from the first Space Wolf bitz sprue. Hobbyists…
Showcase: Space Wolves Wolf Guard Terminator Squad
There is something nice about finishing the first squad for a new army. Feels like it’s the first step done and I’m ready for more. After the jump check out the close ups. If you got to the bottom of this blog post after having…
WIP: Space Wolves Terminator Wolf Guard
Quick snap from my work bench today, a batch paint of three Space Wolves Wolf Guard Terminators. Such a great kit with an incredible amount of detail on the models. All that detail does slow down the painting as you have to meticulously pick out…
WIP: Space Wolf Terminator Squad
I recently shared some Space Wolf Terminator posts and thought today I would share the WIP of the whole squad. These models have loads of detail on them and they’re quite slow to paint. I’m hoping to get these finished soon.
Showcase: Start Collecting Space Wolves and Long Fangs by Aurélie
Hey there, it’s me, Aurélie, with a Start Collecting Space Wolves box plus some Grey Fangs I painted for a client. Check out more pictures after the jump! The client requested the traditional Space Wolves “baby blue”, as seen on the ‘Eavy Metal painted models….
Showcase: Space Wolf Terminator with Assault Cannon
Quick post today sharing this Terminator from the Space Wolves Chapter. A couple of different angles after the jump.
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