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Hey all and hope you’re having a nice Monday. The Christmas holidays are approaching and today I bring the beginnings of a unit of 30K Space Wolves Terminators.
These guys are for a Christmas present and hopefully by the end of today I should have them finished. The owner of them who I am painting them for used Warriors of Chaos helmets. I think it’s a nice touch and suits the models well. The bases as well are made up various cut off pieces of 40K scenery and glue. I like these models a lot and plan on showing the finished results some point after Christmas. What do you think so far?
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Ah fair enough if you didn't build them! 🙂
I look forward to seeing your finished paint job – I think your work has a good combination getting the best out of airbrush and brush together. The SW scheme should help in getting them to read as Imperial.
EDIT: reposting as I don't think the post appeared the first time, for some reason. Anonymous because I don't have an account rather than any other reason.
I have a bit of constructive criticism, I like your work but there's a few things I'd change about these if they were mine. So these comments are intended in a helpful spirit. 🙂
I don't love the horns on the helmets, there isn't much (any?) precedent for them in the fluff for Space Wolves. Maybe taking them off but leaving the body of the helms would work better? (If it matches what the friend already has in their army though, it makes sense to keep them!)
Also, the Crux Terminatus on the left pads is a post-Heresy thing; if it's not too late you could maybe cut those off or replace the pads? I used Chaos terminator blank pads instead for Heresy-era Indomnitus suits like these in the past. It may bother your friend if they're a Heresy purist.
I'm not sure if Heresy SW terminators can use Storm Shields (most Legions can't, although Wolves don't have their dedicated Legion rules out yet, so we will have to wait and see).
So from the above two notes they are more 40k and 30k to me (not sure what is 30k about them?). Other than those points I do like the poses, and look forward to seeing the painted version!
Hey Anon, I completely understand what you are saying. It is a bit confusing as the models do look more sided towards chaos space wolves 40K, than pure space wolves 30K. The models are not put together by myself and are a commission piece for a Christmas present. I was asked to paint them in a 30K space wolves theme, but I'm not 100% certain what sort of background army they are for. To paint it's been a little tough as well as I'm using a 30K scheme on a 40K model. Especially when I'm used to how the 40K models look. The 40K models for wolves have a lot of differences to the 30K ones. I'd be interested to find out the idea behind them.
I have a bit of constructive criticism, I like your work but there's a few things I'd change about these if they were mine. So these comments are intended in a helpful spirit. 🙂
I don't love the horns on the helmets, there isn't much (any?) precedent for them in the fluff for Space Wolves. Maybe taking them off but leaving the body of the helms would work better? (If it matches what the friend already has in their army though, it makes sense to keep them!)
Also, the Crux Terminatus on the left pads is a post-Heresy thing; if it's not too late you could maybe cut those off or replace the pads? I used Chaos terminator blank pads instead for Heresy-era Indomnitus suits like these in the past. It may bother your friend if they're a Heresy purist.
I'm not sure if Heresy SW terminators can use Storm Shields (most Legions can't, although Wolves don't have their dedicated Legion rules out yet, so we will have to wait and see).
So from the above two notes they are more 40k and 30k to me (not sure what is 30k about them?). Other than those points I do like the poses, and look forward to seeing the painted version!
They look awesome! I especially love the bases on them. Can't wait to see them finished.
These are nice so far!!
Look forward to see what you do with these. The models are really cool and I'm liking the grey.
I like where this is going, can;t wait to see the final ones but do we really have to wait until after Xmas "Sigh"!
What silver did you use? It that the Vallejo Liquid Metal stuff? So Shiny and Chrome!
It will have to be after Xmas. That silver is Vallejo model air steel. It is very shiny and bright.
Nice idea. But please remove the mould lines on top of the helmets.
Hey cheers. Will do with the mold lines on the helmets. I did notice that it's glaring on the photos.
It's a bitch when you do the priming/prehighlighting on a unit and then notice something like that. At least it's not after you've finished the unit eh!
ha ha yeah I was just think that a few minutes ago and how I will blend it in afterwards. Its a frickin pain in the butt 🙂
Neat idea with the helmets, but I'm not sure it works, cause it looks like they won't be able to turn their heads 🙂