WIP: Stormcast Eternals Stardrake #1
Hi everyone, I’ve started work on a big project a Stardrake for my Stormcast Eternals! Here’s the first WIP update, click to see more photos after the jump! I decided to go for blue scales/body and red wings for the Stardrake, and also I decided…
Showcase: Stormcast Eternals Knight Heraldor
Hello everyone, here’s another finished model for my Stormcast, the Knight Heraldor. I opted to buy the second posed variant of this model, I think it’s generally a better pose. I really enjoyed painting him, the model has similar painting techniques to my other Stormcast…
Showcase: Stormcast Eternals Liberators
Hey guys! It’s been a while since my last post I’ve been so busy with work, but I managed to get this unit of Liberators painted at the weekend to add to my growing Stormcast collection! I really enjoyed painting the Liberators, they’re quite nice…
Showcase: Warhammer Quest: Silver Tower Knight Questor
Hello everyone! I fell completely in love with the new Warhammer Quest: Silver Tower when it was announced and instantly pre-ordered it. I decided to paint the Knight Questor from the box first, given I have just recently been painting Stormcast Eternals. I thoroughly enjoyed…
Showcase: Stormcast Eternals Liberators
Hi everyone, today I’m happy to showcase my first completed unit for my Stormcast Eternals collection; a unit of Liberators. You may remember seeing them in my recent Golden Demon post in which they won a finalist pin. Click to view more photos after the…
WIP: Stormcast Eternals Liberators #1
Hi everyone! I’ve started a new project, Stormcast Eternals! I’ve finished the first model of my first unit of Liberators, this is the unit leader the Liberator Prime. More photos after the jump! I must admit before recently I wasn’t a fan of the Stormcast,…
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