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Hi everyone! I’ve started a new project, Stormcast Eternals! I’ve finished the first model of my first unit of Liberators, this is the unit leader the Liberator Prime. More photos after the jump!

I must admit before recently I wasn’t a fan of the Stormcast, I think it was the sheer amount of them everywhere following the release of Age of Sigmar and the free miniature in White Dwarf that made me quite bored of them. However, the recent releases of the Dracothian Guard and Star Drake have completely changed my mind though, they’re absolutely stunning miniatures and I really want them and so now I’ve decided to start collecting them.

I really enjoyed painting this to be honest, more than I thought I would, it was quite fun!

I decided I wanted to go for gold armour because I really like the Retributor Armour paint, it’s a lovely paint to use. However, I wanted to go for a darker, more scorched, battle damaged appearance to make them a little different to the normal golden Stormcast.

The armour is sprayed Retributor Armour, and then I glazed several coats of Reikland Fleshshade, Agrax Earthshade and Druchii Violet in the recesses. All of these were mixed 50:50 with Lahmian Medium. This toned the armour down quite a bit. I then highlighted with Vallejo Silver.

Overall, personally I am really happy with how it came out. I spent a little longer on this and went a bit further than I normally have with my highlights pushing them to white. I’m really excited to get all 5 painted and see how they look together!