Hi everyone! I’ve started a new project, Stormcast Eternals! I’ve finished the first model of my first unit of Liberators, this is the unit leader the Liberator Prime. More photos after the jump!
I must admit before recently I wasn’t a fan of the Stormcast, I think it was the sheer amount of them everywhere following the release of Age of Sigmar and the free miniature in White Dwarf that made me quite bored of them. However, the recent releases of the Dracothian Guard and Star Drake have completely changed my mind though, they’re absolutely stunning miniatures and I really want them and so now I’ve decided to start collecting them.
I really enjoyed painting this to be honest, more than I thought I would, it was quite fun!
I decided I wanted to go for gold armour because I really like the Retributor Armour paint, it’s a lovely paint to use. However, I wanted to go for a darker, more scorched, battle damaged appearance to make them a little different to the normal golden Stormcast.
The armour is sprayed Retributor Armour, and then I glazed several coats of Reikland Fleshshade, Agrax Earthshade and Druchii Violet in the recesses. All of these were mixed 50:50 with Lahmian Medium. This toned the armour down quite a bit. I then highlighted with Vallejo Silver.
Overall, personally I am really happy with how it came out. I spent a little longer on this and went a bit further than I normally have with my highlights pushing them to white. I’m really excited to get all 5 painted and see how they look together!
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Great looking stuff! I have to admit that I hate the 'sigmarines' ususally, but your deep gold and the purple shade does really bring out the best in them. Still wouldn't buy any myself though…
Well Amy I completely dislike your painting because I think its boring and unskilled.
Its pretty much on par with the painting books Gw make for the little kids to quickly paint up their army.
Tim the master and his disciples lol. Tim I never said other people should not like it, did you even read my comment? Not sure what your on about mate.
I honestly dont care if master Tim and the gang gets upset because at the end of the day its my opinion and its up to Amy if she takes it on or not.
Great work on this model Amy. I can't believe you've not been painting long and you already own several completed armies, have been featured several times in White Dwarf/Warhammer Visions, have won best painted army at Warhammer World and you're currently displaying your Seraphon in the Warhammer World Special Exhibition.
It's really impressive and truly inspirational to new and old painters of what is achievable if you put your mind to something and work hard.
I look forward to following your work and your painting progression for a long time to come.
Hari, painting aside you are actually becoming/being a online bully to the painter above. One thing is to say you do not like the work and be constructive about why. But to keep returning to the same person over and over to say how much you dislike them is not cool. I think the painter above understands you don't like her work. Why not just leave her be and not look at her posts in the future.
Ironically, Hary Bray your comments about Amy's work being on par with the GW painting books is a compliment to her work.
Correction, they are not for kids but are really awesome ways to paint up armies to a moderate level. I'm sure most of us painters have started and expanded from the tutorials we learnt from GW painting guides. Never look down on them. They're awesome
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Come one Hari, show us some of your painting! If your really good then fair do's, but if your on par with "little kids" kids who use paint guides to do work quickly then shame on you.
To claify, I think Amy's painting isn't too bad. Plenty of room for improvement, which is why I guess she is here 😉
Well this is how i want to paint mine, if you get a chance please make a tutorial
I really like what you are going with here Amy =) Using a violet shade brings about a different hue to the mini and it's quite unique. You're really good at using basic techniques to knock out solid looking armies! I think a lot of people can take a page out of your book haha.
I do have a few suggestions haha. I feel that the armor can be a bit brighter with a layer of Auric Armour Gold before highlighting to silver. I think that'll make the armor stand out a bit more.
I also wanted to share a tip that I got of the most recent Forgeworld Masterclass book. It suggests apply weathering with an eye shadow sponge applier (which I'm sure you have haha) because it has a texture to it and it's surface area is smaller it'll be easier to control as well. Give it a shot =D
Thanks for Sharing again =D
Thanks for the tips Jiunn!
Funnily enough I don't actually have an eye shadow sponge applier xD I'm not really a girly girl haha 😉 but that sounds interesting I'll have to go buy one and try it out!
Yeah, I would have sworn it was NMM. Maybe all the glazes toned down the metal? Does it still retain some of the metallic sheen in person? A fantastic look regardless.
It does look a lot different than these photos in real life to be honest. I think the camera and the white background washes it out a little, it is shiny and the depth to the shadows look a bit better in person.
I don't normally like stormcast models, but this one has changed my mind – he looks awesome, very nicely done 😀
That's awesome! I'm glad it has, thank you 🙂
Really like the battle worn approach. This is one of the best Stormcast eternals that I've seen.
That's really lovely to hear Andrew, thank you I appreciate it 🙂
What a surprise hari bray has nothing nice to say , the painting god speaks again, please show us your work michael Angelo.
Literally what I was about to say. At least his ridiculous criticisms do not go un-noticed. Those that can't, critique. Those that can are too busy to critique.
So to give positive feed back I can be the worst painter you've ever seen and its fine, but to give mixed/negative feedback I must be a chaos god of painting?
Alot of good painters would welcome people who dont just gush over every single piece of work they do. I'd love a whole bunch of people to point out areas I could improve. Sadly when you get to a certain level of skill people just gush. Whats even worse is that level is very very low.
Amy is the only painter on this blog I dislike completely. Everyone else I almost always say which parts I like.
Recently I commented on Banzai1000's Sons of Horus and it was mixed, but I gave thumbs up on the green blend. I liked it so much im going to try it out for myself.
I agree, whilst it's nice to have a lot of positive comments, sometimes negative or constructive comments are helpful. I always welcome feedback and in fact I appreciate it when I receive feedback, however when it's accompanied with either a completely negative comment with no pointers or suggestions that's not very helpful. I did appreciate your comment regarding the gouges though and will try and improve that.
I'd like to know why you dislike me completely though? I happily admit I'm not at the same level as some of the other painters on this blog, however I haven't been painting as long as them, but I do try to improve and take on comments.
Everyone has their own style of painting, there's no right or wrong way to paint a model.
I passed a lot of my painting knowledge onto Amy and she's always striving to improve on the last thing she's done, which is excellent in my eyes. For the amount of time she's been painting some of her skills are starting to surpass mine and I've been doing painting professionally for years.
To say you dislike someone's work completely is a bit harsh. Why even bother commenting if you know you won't like it and can't be positive about it in any way?
You're not only insulting Amy, you're insulting me her teacher, and all her followers who do like her work by saying they shouldn't like it because the level is very very low?
Who are you to judge? Stop wasting your time commenting and go do some painting 😉
Hari, your comments about the Horus heresy green vs gold had merit but was poorly delivered. For the above there is very little constructive comment, mostly criticism. Like Tim has said above there isn't a 'right' way, however there is merit in Amy's painting. Is it perfect? Maybe not, but it's certainly not a low level – it's better than many, cleaner than some of the GW Studio painting, and with a lot of good colour placement based on a good understanding (I assume!) of colour theory.
If I could have a whole army painter to that standard I'd be chuffed, not to mention the chance to be featured in warhammer visions and have a display at Warhammer World.
Tim – good tutoring.
Amy – keep posting and keep pushing.
Amazingly simple and effective!
Gold looks far more complex than you've described and the accent colours work brilliantly.
Thank you 🙂 I'm glad you like it!
Thank you Banzai! 😀
I really like the outcome from the Gold!!
The amount of washing is just too bloody high.
You might want to refine your gouges to make them look real.
Love the gold – at first look I thought it was a NMM technique I hadn't seen yet. It's really cool! The blue accents are really striking as well, and I love the weathering on the sword.
All in all, this is one of my favorite examples of the Stormcast
I've had quite a few people say it looks like NMM actually!
Thank you for the nice feedback, that's encouraging 🙂
That's a lovely gold! Retributor Gold and Reikland is one of the best combos Eavy Metal have done in a long while, although the Hammers of Sigmar can be a little overwhelming on the eyes when they're all so gold! You've certainly put a more bearable spin on it – love the battle damage.
Thank you very much Alex! 🙂