Age of Sigmar

WIP: Stormcast Eternals Stardrake #3

Hi everyone! I’m here with another update on my Stardrake! I’m now onto the detail work, working on the spikes, horns, mouth and wings. Click to see photos of this progress after the jump! I decided to paint the spikes on the Stardrake in a…

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Age of Sigmar

WIP: Stormcast Eternals Stardrake #1

Hi everyone, I’ve started work on a big project a Stardrake for my Stormcast Eternals! Here’s the first WIP update, click to see more photos after the jump! I decided to go for blue scales/body and red wings for the Stardrake, and also I decided…

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Age of Sigmar

WIP: Stormcast Eternals Liberators #1

Hi everyone! I’ve started a new project, Stormcast Eternals! I’ve finished the first model of my first unit of Liberators, this is the unit leader the Liberator Prime. More photos after the jump! I must admit before recently I wasn’t a fan of the Stormcast,…

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