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Today I’m showing the final of the Ork Planes, the Blitza Bommer that I painted up a while ago when it was first released. I have to apologies for the quality of the photo as it has a very blue tint to the background. My photo skills have greatly improved from when this was taken as has my camera. But I think you can see what I did. Again. Like the previous Ork planes I painted it mainly using a sponge and airbrush. I think this technique works quite well with Ork models. What do you guys think?
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ThirdEyeNuke is no longer an active contributor to Tale of Painters. However, you can still browse his archived posts by clicking on this banner.
hey! i'm new to this website. have not painted in a long time (around a year), but your models are so beautifully realistic. its inspired me to clean a work area and paint!!
hey! i'm new to this website. have not painted in a long time (around a year), but your models are so beautifully realistic. its inspired me to clean a work area and paint!!
Hey Cheers Dylan 🙂
I love the grimy, greasy, oily look to that thing.
Hi Henry, It was a long time ago when I painted these. But as I remember I airbrushed the transparent cockpit with a matt varnish several times to give it a rough surface as opposed to the shiny plastic surface. I then would have painted the metallic window bars with GW Boltgun metal or any other paint equivalent. Then I would have completely dusted the glass areas with Mig pigment earth tones (you can use whatever colour you like). After that I would take a tiny damp sponge and removed the dust from the centre of the glass areas and then airbrushed matt varnish again to hold the pigment in place. Hope that helps
YES! You have to tell me how you gave the cockpit that dusty look. I need to do that.